Permanent Cashback & Affordable Pricing

Our prices just got better and your Slash balances are about to get bigger. We are thrilled to introduce our new pricing tiers, with a lower monthly fee, more VCC's for less, and most importantly permanent cashback!
You heard that right - permanent cashback. Cashback is a big way to increase your profit margins. By taking advantage of our Permanent Cashback Program, you'll not only receive a permanent discount for your purchases, but also be able to save more money on your day-to-day expenses, ultimately boosting your bottom line.
There is no limit to the amount of cashback you can earn. Cashback will be accumulated each calendar month, then made redeemable on the 25th of the following month. The amount you earn depends on your subscription tier. Our Pro Plan will earn unlimited 1% cashback on all purchases. Our Elite & Enterprise Plans will earn 1.75% cashback on the first $20,000 in spending each month, then unlimited 1% cashback thereafter.
More for less - always. We are staying true to our promise of ensuring that our community attains the highest level of profitability possible. We have streamlined our plans into 3 simple options to best serve you at any stage of your business growth. Your Free plan ($0/month) will include 50 virtual base cards, with 25 additional cards monthly, up to 150 total. Your Pro Plan ($25/month) will include 100 virtual base cards, with 50 additional cards monthly, up to 500 total. Your Elite Plan ($50/month) includes 500 virtual base cards, and an earned premium 28g metal card to flex.
Free virtual cards? That's right, your Free and Pro plan maximum card numbers will increase monthly, at no additional cost. Each month, on your billing date you will see additional capacity to create 25 (free) or 100 (pro) cards. These cards will continue to stack until you reach your maximum of 125 (free) or 500 (pro) cards, all without paying a dime more for Slash. For example, let's say you sign up for a Pro membership in January, starting at 100 cards, then you renew in February and can create an additional 50 cards, bringing your total active card count to 150. In March, you do the same and now you have 200 cards. April rolls around and now you're at 250.. you get the idea!
If you're already part of the Slash community, sit back, relax and watch those cards & cashback stack! Whenever you receive a Slash subscription charge, head to the Cards page of your dashboard and generate those extra cards.
If you aren't yet a Slash member - what are you waiting for? Click here to open an account!